You may spend less time outside these upcoming months, but Mother Earth continues to offer you deep peace. In fact,…
Self-limiting beliefs create so much pain and suffering in our lives. We ALL have them, though they can often be…
Perhaps like you, I’ve been journeying through a lot of heavy emotions these recent months. I’ve come to recognize this…
Happy Halloween and Samhain Blessings! Join me on a snowy little tour of our front yard garden. Our first snow…
Come walk and talk with me today as I give you a little tour of our front yard garden in…
Is your heart guiding you to have a difficult conversation with a loved one? Especially about setting a new boundary…
Your sacred nature ancestors are reaching out to support you in these times. Yes! You have nature ancestors just as…
Our beloved backyard trees were removed yesterday. It had to happen. 🥲 The year-long lead-up to their removal was a…
If you’re struggling with a challenging situation, know that you already hold the answer. Nature enables you to hear your…
A “glimmer” is the opposite of a trigger. Coined by licensed clinical social worker, Deb Dana, a glimmer is a…