Ep. 63: Clear Intrusive Thoughts With Your Eco-Intuition

Do you experience out-of-the-blue, disturbing thoughts about highly unlikely scenarios? If so, you are not alone. 🙋🏻‍♀️

Intrusive thoughts are COMMON, especially if you have anxiety. Yet we rarely talk about them out of shame, embarrassment or worry that something is wrong with us.

I’ve had intrusive thoughts my entire life, and suffered with them for decades. Then, about seven years ago I found a way to clear them quickly and easily when they arise. And I want to share how with you!

In this week’s episode, you’ll learn:
– What are intrusive thoughts and why you have them
– Three circumstances that can cause intrusive thoughts to surface (one will surprise you!)
– A simple, peaceful way to start clearing those thoughts when they arise, with the support of your beautiful Soul and Mother Earth

View the replay below!

🌼 Click HERE to register for my FREE offering — Awaken Your Eco-Intuitive Garden: 5 Days of Wisdom, Wonder & Peace. Begins Feb. 12th.
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