Anxiety can transform your life for the better.
Wait, what? Am I off my rocker? Hear me out, my friend…
I’m not talking about typical anxiety that everyone experiences on occasion. You know, the kind that warns you of potential danger so you can fight, flee or freeze.
This physiological process has served us brilliantly in our evolution, and is reminder that we’re animals!
I’m talking about chronic anxiety. The kind that’s persistent. And frustratingly nebulous.
With chronic anxiety you feel that urge to fight, flee or freeze but the potential danger is vague.
Your body is all geared up to respond but you don’t know where to direct the energy.
So, your big, amazing brain tries to pin down why you’re feeling anxious.
Your brain indulges in all the possible reasons — and there’s never a shortage of those, right? (Your brain loves acquiring this “confirmation” data, by the way.)
Then, your brain launches into “what if…” scenarios, which intensifies your anxiety.
So now, your body is primed to respond, like it’s done successfully in the past with tangible dangers.
And your brain is in the mode of analyzing, speculating, evaluating, judging future scenarios.
Do you see what’s missing here?
What’s missing is your soulful presence in the moment.
When you turn your awareness to your Soul’s guidance in the present moment you shift your experience of anxiety.
With practice, your anxiety becomes an invitation for you to be present, and to connect with your Soul’s guidance. Again and again and again.
You have a profound gift to be soulfully present. It lives within your great love for nature.
You already sense your ancient, sacred relationship with Mother Earth.
Yet, it’s not just found “out there” in nature. It’s right here with you. Now. It’s within your very blood and bones.
Your anxiety is leading you to embrace your power of presence. To reclaim your sacred partnership with the Earth.
So you can ease your anxiety and self-doubt. So you can hear your Soul’s guidance. So you can feel free and whole.
Is it time for YOU to embrace your soulful presence, my friend, and transform your life for the better?
Reclaim your soulful presence this spring in The Sacred Grove, my seasonal group mentoring experience for women. It’s a unique merging of nature-based mindfulness, thought management, natural history, animism, and journeywork. Woven with the ancient wisdom of Celtic and Druidic traditions. |
You’ll learn approaches you can put to use immediately in your daily life. So you can connect with Mother Earth’s powerful and personal healing anywhere, at any time you need it. Spring enrollment is open through April 6th! Monthly payment plans are available, as well as a VIP option for customized support. It would be a great honor to support you in your journey! |