Sweet Friend, what are the questions that you ask yourself?
This weekend, I was walking in one of my favorite forest preserves. At the time, I was feeling pretty disappointed in myself about some things.
My brain was asking a bunch of questions like: Why did it happen this way? What did I do wrong? Why is this so hard for me?
And my brain was coming up with a whole bunch of answers that did NOT feel good. Answers that felt self-critical, restrictive, limiting.
Then, I came upon an area recently cleared of invasive species. A lovely oak grove was now exposed that was previously hidden behind a wall of non-native underbrush. Like a breath of fresh air.
Now a lovely old oak tree is visible. I could see the tree wasn’t in good health and in the process of transitioning.
My brain again went to “why”, “what happened” and “how could this have been avoided?” (Can you see the pattern?)
Then, I heard in my heart: “Break the pattern. Choose to ask powerful questions.”
I knew that Oak and my soul were working together to shift me out of my funk.
Just knowing this — and not even taking action on it yet — felt REALLY good. More fresh air, welcome relief, expansion, abundance.
So, what is a powerful question?
Powerful questions are open-ended. They create possibilities, allow for deeper understanding, new discoveries and insights. They’re curious and non-judgmental.
Powerful questions are empowering!
When you ask yourself a powerful question, you spark great thinking. And you generate thoughts that are spacious, creative.
Thoughts that embrace inter-connection. Thoughts that tap into your deep wisdom. Thoughts that help you heal.
Some of the powerful questions I created for my myself were:
How can I make today better than yesterday?
How can I give and receive more love today?
How can I extend myself more self-compassion?
How can I [insert task/project] and have fun at the same time?
Can you feel the difference? These questions put my brain to work in a whole different way. Powerful questions spark great thinking.
Oak is inviting us to be increasingly aware of the questions we ask ourselves throughout our days. (Spoiler alert: there are a LOT!)
Your awareness shows you how you’re directing your brain to think. Do these questions feel expansive, creative, abundant? Or self-critical, restrictive and limiting?
Begin to see the patterns of the questions you ask yourself. Choose to ask yourself powerful questions.
As for our wonderful Oak messenger, I quickly saw all of the life they’re supporting during their transition.
And I understood that they’ll go on supporting life, expansion, and abundance for many years to come.
My powerful questions opened me up to appreciate the beautiful interconnection of all things. This brings such a lovely sense of groundedness and belonging.
Thank you, Oak, for your healing message for us all.