Nature is always, ALWAYS offering to bring you back into your power of presence.
This support is truly invaluable if you’re struggling with buffering your anxiety.
Alcohol, food, social media, shopping — there are many ways we buffer to distract, muffle or quiet our anxious mind.
These buffers only temporarily ease our worries, and often create more issues (and anxiety!) in our lives.
Yesterday on Instagram, I shared a short story about how nature continues to play a key role in supporting my sobriety, more than five years after I quit drinking.
I share a super simple practice that you can start immediately to bring you back into your power of presence.
It’s so simple that you may doubt that it makes a difference. I’m here to tell you that it does. AndI lovingly encourage you to give it try for a week, and see how it benefits your life.
Click HERE view on Instagram. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section!
And hey, while you’re there, click “Follow” to catch my future posts about anxiety support and mindfulness with Mother Earth. Thank you!