When you have anxiety, you can feel trapped within your own mind. And you crave a way to experience stillness and freedom. I know this feeling well, as I’ve had anxiety as long as I can remember.
On and off for many years I tried to establish a traditional, sitting meditation practice. But I really struggled with it.
At times, I even feared sitting down to meditate because of all the thoughts that came forward. I’d end my sessions feeling exhausted from working to release those thoughts, rather than feeling the peaceful clarity I was searching for.
Then I realized that the stillness and freedom I craved was available to me every day. It’s found within your deep love for nature.
And one of the easiest ways to create stillness is to observe animals.
Regardless of where you live — city, suburb or country — animals are appearing in your life each and every day.
On the ground, in the sky, in the trees and waters.
Loads of research shows that simply observing animals — both companion animals and wildlife — can reduce anxiety, rumination and depression.
Observing animals gives you a bigger perspective on your life circumstances, brings forth feelings of awe and reverence, and provides a sense of certainty about the future.
Indeed, this healing is so powerful that studies show even sitting on your couch and watching a wildlife program or video can induce this response!
And you, my friend, are being called to go beyond observation.
Animals are offering you abundant opportunities to hear your intuition.
The first step is to become aware of when you’re open to receive intuitive messages with the support of animals.
This awareness alone strengthens your power of presence. Your intuition flows abundantly when you’re present. And it’s amplified with animals. Because, unlike us, animals are always fully in the present moment.
Here are examples of how to recognize you’re present and open to receive an intuitive message. You may find yourself thinking:
“Haven’t I seen that individual before? (for instance, a squirrel with a distinctive marking)” or
“This feels like a special moment” or
“Did that animal just look right into my eyes?” or
“Is that animal trying to get my attention?”
In those moments, trust that you’re already open to receive. Take a deep breath.
Imagine light flowing between the animal and your heart-center. And breathe into that space.
Receive whatever comes. Close by sending the animal love and gratitude.
You may feel a message coming directly from the animal, or from within yourself. Trust that it’s all flowing as it’s meant to.
Resist the temptation to rush off to Google what someone else says is that animal’s message or spiritual meaning.
Embrace the chance to build your ancient skill of receiving the message meant just for you with the support of that animal in that moment.
Mother Earth is not just offering to ease your anxiety.
She’s offering to help you hear your personal and loving intuitive guidance every day. What a powerful opportunity to heal!
Look to the animals and experience the stillness, freedom and wisdom they bring forward in you, dear friend.