As a mother, what generates great love within you? I’m betting your children are at the top of your list. Mothers are so blessed to experience the kind of love that feels limitless and expansive!
Love is among the highest vibrating emotions you can experience. This is why love creates such beauty, healing, joy, peace and magic in your life.
Our son is now 29 months old and his language is developing by leaps and bounds. The pure joy he emanates when he feels understood could power our entire home!
And this pure joy is exactly how your Soul rejoices when you reclaim your intuition.
Your intuition is the language of your Soul. And the most effective way of connecting with it is through Nature.
If you doubt your ability to hear your intuition, consider this:
You experienced the earliest glimmerings of your child’s language. You responded to it, and your child flourished as a result!
You simply couldn’t have understood what your child was communicating if you only used your logic. And yet, there were many things that resonated within you. Within your heart. You intuited what your child was communicating. And your heart-led actions deepened your connection with your child.
It’s the very same with your intuition. When you listen to, interact with, and act upon your intuition, you are creating a loving and strong relationship with yourself.
How does connecting with Nature fit in? Nature enables you to efficiently access stillness, spaciousness, groundedness and peace. Nature provides the perfect conditions for you align with your Soul, and hear your intuition.
The more that you connect with Nature and align with high vibrating, positive emotions, the more your intuition will flourish and expand in the most beautiful ways. And so will you!
Reclaiming your intuition creates fulfillment and love. Limitless and expansive love.
So, are you ready to experience more love?
You deserve to live a life of fulfillment. Your intuition is the key to rediscovering yourself and creating your self-fulfilled life.
It’s time! You have the courage to step forward and learn more. I warmly invite you to apply for your free Breakthrough Session. It’s a 45-60 minute private phone call where we discuss your unique situation, where you want to go, and if I’m the coach to take you there. Click the link and get started!